It seems that the Clintons were busy down in Austin with their high-rolling Democracy Alliance pals cooking up a Progressive Movement and progressive political infrastructure but Guy Saperstein threw a wrench into the works:
Memo from the Progressive Underground
to Rob Stein, Steven Gluckstern, Simon Rosenberg and the rest of the board at DA:
the Progressive Movement is alive and well without you. Progressive Caucuses in 17 State Democratic Parties, LFA, PDA, DFA, MoveOn, the Wellstone Group, Speak Out, Code Pink, AAMLC and the list goes on and on of activists who aren't waiting to be rescued by well-heeled wonks telling us how to form a movement. Like the good citizens of New Orleans we know that we are on our own and we're doing fine. We're in the micro-media, check it out.
If the folks at DA want to know how to do what it is they think they are going to do all they have to do is show up and work with any of us. Our doors are open.
Oh and that woman or man on the white horse, you know, their next Presidential stalking horse, that the DA thinks it is going to ordain and cram down our throats? As Tony Soprano might say, "forget about it". It's a new horizontal world of leadership. The members, the citizens, "We, the People" will decide this time. So, all of you DLC hacks masquerading as Progressives, we're on to you, get your street cred together and we'll talk.
Ain't Life Grand?
Brad Parker
Progressive Activist
It seems that the Clintons were busy down in Austin with their high-rolling Democracy Alliance pals cooking up a Progressive Movement and progressive political infrastructure but Guy Saperstein threw a wrench into the works:
Memo from the Progressive Underground
to Rob Stein, Steven Gluckstern, Simon Rosenberg and the rest of the board at DA:
the Progressive Movement is alive and well without you. Progressive Caucuses in 17 State Democratic Parties, LFA, PDA, DFA, MoveOn, the Wellstone Group, Speak Out, Code Pink, AAMLC and the list goes on and on of activists who aren't waiting to be rescued by well-heeled wonks telling us how to form a movement. Like the good citizens of New Orleans we know that we are on our own and we're doing fine. We're in the micro-media, check it out.
If the folks at DA want to know how to do what it is they think they are going to do all they have to do is show up and work with any of us. Our doors are open.
Oh and that woman or man on the white horse, you know, their next Presidential stalking horse, that the DA thinks it is going to ordain and cram down our throats? As Tony Soprano might say, "forget about it". It's a new horizontal world of leadership. The members, the citizens, "We, the People" will decide this time. So, all of you DLC hacks masquerading as Progressives, we're on to you, get your street cred together and we'll talk.
Ain't Life Grand?
Brad Parker
Progressive Activist
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