Thursday, June 22, 2006

JACKSON DISAPPOINTED (but not as much as US !!)

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., today said, “I’m extremely disappointed that the Republican leadership has caved in to the extreme right-wing of its conservative base and pulled from the legislative calendar a vote on the “Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006? (H.R. 9). “It appears that rather than legislate, Republicans have chosen to play politics and to create wedge issues to use in the mid-term elections in November. Look at the issues they’ve chosen to mobilize their base vote around: first immigration, then `don’t desecrate the flag’ amendment, followed by accusations that Democrats are `cutting and running’ in Iraq, and now `problems’ with the Voting Rights Act.

Thanks Mr. Jackson we do need the Renewal of the Voting Rights Act but wait before you get off your pedestal there's something I would like to say:

I am ashamed of the vote that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. cast on HR 5252 on June 8th, 2006, at 10:05 pm, selling the Internet off to the highest bidder. So, whose Corporate pocket is the Rep. in with that vote? Someone please tell me how his vote that supported Rep. Bobbie Rush his cohort from Illinois, up to his ears with AT&T, and Rep. Joe Barton, the Texas Republican thug in the pocket of Comcast, was the right thing to do, the moral thing to do and most ludicrous of all the Progressive thing to do? Come on Mr. Jackson, did you think we would let that pass? Since he's so full of righteous indignation about the morality of politics I would like a full explanation from him not a surrogate. The membership deserves better than this. What would Martin have done? Oh yeah, he didn't take Corporate contributions. To see the vote for yourself go to:

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